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    分类:秋霞电影网 韩国  2024 







    'Miss Rachael.'
    'What!' said the old lady, in a shrill tone. 'Speak louder.'
    'Miss Rachael,' roared the fat boy.
    'My da'ater!'
    The train of nods which the fat boy gave by way of assent, communicated a blanc-mange like motion to his fat cheeks.
    'And she suffered him!' exclaimed the old lady. A grin stole over the fat boy's features as he said—
    'I see her a-kissin' of him agin.'
    If Mr. Jingle, from his place of concealment, could have beheld the expression which the old lady's face assumed at this communication, the probability is that a sudden burst of laughter would have betrayed his close vicinity to the summer-house. He listened attentively. Fragments of angry sentences such as,'Without my permission!'—'At her time of life'—'Miserable old 'ooman like me'—'Might have waited till I was dead,' and so forth, reached his ears; and then he heard the heels of the fat boy's boots crunching the gravel, as he retired and left the old lady alone.



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